“What if my AMS doesn’t integrate with Better Agency?”
For many insurance agents, having their current AMS (Agency Management System) integrate with other platforms would be a dream come true. “Will Better Agency integrate with my AMS?” is the number one question we receive here at Better Agency.
Better Agency does integrate with NowCerts. We’re constantly looking for more AMS platforms that would like to integrate, but as the old saying goes, “it takes two to tango”.
While we continue to make these efforts, this article will outline the best practices for using Better Agency with your Agency Management System.

Best practice #1: Put your prospects into Better Agency first.
Insurance agents will want to put all of their prospects into Better Agency to begin the sales automation campaigns. From this starting point, your prospects will be in the “new lead” sales pipeline stage and receive the pre-written email and text messages.
Utilizing the automated campaigns will allow you to pro-actively communicate to your prospects and move them throughout the sales pipeline. Each stage in Better Agency will automatically set tasks for producer follow up.

Best practice #2: Quote your clients in your comparative rater.
As your clients respond to the automation campaigns inside of Better Agency, you will have more opportunities for new sales. It might be a new lead who is responding to your automatic follow up messages, or a current client who is responding to a cross-sell campaign. In either case, you will then move the client data over to your comparative rater for quoting.
We suggest making this step two so that you are not spending your precious time doing data entry for clients who do not fit with your agency, or whom you cannot start the sales process with.
Best practice #3: Bridge and bind the new policy.
This is the easiest and most fun part of the process. Bridge the info from your comparative rater over to the carrier of choice and issue the policy.

Best practice #4: Let IVANS download your new customer into your AMS.
If your carriers and policies download with IVANS into your AMS, then there is no reason to have “duplicate entry”. After the policy is issued with the carrier, they will send that data to your AMS and create the customer file and policy information.
Doubble check with your IVANS account to make sure you are receiving all of the data possible from the carrier. You can also copy and paste any notes from Better Agency into your AMS customer file.