Are you thinking about using Infusionsoft in your insurance agency? Then you’re in right place. Even if you currently use Infusionsoft and are looking for Infusionsoft alternatives. This article will help you compare Better Agency vs Infusionsoft.
So what’s the difference between Better Agency vs Infusionsoft? There are many differences between the two platforms. We want to discuss the product differences as well as the direction of the companies. (which we get into further down this page if you’re interested).
Better Agency was built specifically for the insurance industry. Infusionsoft is a large platform built for the masses.
Infusionsoft does not solve the unique problems that insurance agents have when it comes to automation marketing.
So, long story short: If you’re an agency owner and looking for a platform built specifically to help you close leads, book sales appointments, and close deals faster – then you’re in the right place. We created Better Agency for you. Come on in. The water’s warm.

Need more convincing? I totally get it. So the rest of this page is for you. We sat down with a few of our users who switched from Infusionsoft to Better Agency to help write this page and asked each of them:
“Hey if you had to put a page up on our website breaking down the top reasons why agents would pick Better Agency vs. Infusionsoft, what would you say?”
They gave us a handful of clear answers that should help you.
The TOP Reasons why insurance agencies use Better Agency vs Infusionsoft
Reason #1: Easy to start and use
Getting started with Better Agency is simple. Users can enjoy easy navigation, training videos, and a clear path towards implementation.
Users are also invited to our daily support and onboarding calls we host daily on Zoom so that they can ask questions and receive more support on using Better Agency.
Many insurance agents find Infusionsoft to be complicated and confusing. Getting started with Infusionsoft often means hiring a consultant to help you set up and use the platform. These services range in price and on average can cost between $1500 – $2500 to setup.
With Better Agency, there is no complicated setup. There are no extra costs to get started. Simply use the “done for you” automation campaigns that will help you nurture prospects, close more leads, cross-sell your current book of business, and retain more customers at renewal.
Infusionsoft does not solve the unique problems that insurance agents have when it comes to automation marketing.
Nicholas Ayers
Reason #2: Integrations with HawkSoft, Lightspeed Voice, and more
Better Agency was able to build deep integrations with HawkSoft, Lightspeed Voice, and other companies that help insurance agents.
With HawkSoft and NowCerts, you can push your data out of your management system and trigger all of the automations for prospects and clients.
With Lightspeed Voice, you can record calls directly to your customer file.
With more integrations in the works with companies like Tarmika and others, Better Agency users can connect more of their systems to one platform. Users can also enjoy a full Zapier integration.
Reason #3: Price – it adds up with Infusionsoft
We’ve touched on it some, but the cost to use Infusionsoft goes up once you begin using it. Between contact limits and 3rd party consultants, an insurance agent who is serious about using automation in their agency will be forced to pay out thousands of dollars.
Better Agency users are never charged for additional contacts. There is a flat rate to pay each month, and with the campaigns already made for you, you will not have any reason to pay for outside consultation.
An insurance agent will save more money and get better results with Better Agency than they will with Infusionsoft
Reason #4: There’s no texting with Infusionsoft
The ability to text prospects and clients is a big deal. More people open text messages vs emails in their inbox.
With Infusionsoft, there is no way to send text messages to your contacts without a 3rd party program.
Infusionsoft users will need to pay for additional software just to send text messages. This adds on additional costs and work to make texting possible.
Better Agency users have text messaging built right into the program. There is no learning curve, or additional software you need to use in order to text prospects and clients.
Texting can happen automatically within a campaign. You can also text manually to people within your contact list.
No assembly required 🙂
Reason #5: Getting your staff to use it
A major concern former Infusionsoft customers noted was the frustration from their staff. Let’s face it, Infusionsoft is a powerful platform, but with all of that “power” comes a lot of confusion.
Imagine a jet plane motor. It’s powerful, yet there are so many moving parts to it. You really need to be a specialist in order to understand it.
Better Agency users who left Infusionsoft mention a major reason for leaving Infusionsoft was that their staff hated using it. As a result of them hating it, they had a hard time using it with any consistency.
Better Agency removes this friction and provides an easier, more efficient experience for the entire agency.
Better Agency was created for insurance agents!
Build better relationships with your clients and prospects now
So whether you’re a customer or someone just stopping by to learn more about Infusionsoft alternatives, we couldn’t have created this article about Better Agency vs Infusionsoft without you. Thank you. Interested in seeing more of Better Agency?
Schedule a Discovery Call with Better Agency now.