Attention Insurance Agents With A Team Of 4+ Employees…

FREE Case Study Reveals: How Insurance Agents Are Easily Automating The Entire Customer Lifecycle Even If They’re Not “Techie”

(No more duct-taping tools together)

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See How Other Agency Owners Are Winning With Better Agency

See how these insurance agency owners are boosting sales, retaining clients, and gaining a competitive advantage.

Beaux Has A 96% Retention Rate Since Using Better Agency

See how Beaux Pilgrim was able to improve his agency retention to 96% by using the renewal campaigns.

Daniel issues a $12,000 life policy and issues a $70,000 General Liability policy using the built-in campaigns.

Kiersten Uses One System For Client Communication

Since using Better Agency, Kiersten has been able to reduce her agency software programs. She uses Better Agency to communicate and cross-sell more clients at renewal.

"I can point to new accounts each month that were booked primarily because of the Better Agency platform. Our ROI over the last few months has been between 600% - 800%"

Daniel Gains Time And Productivity

Danny has saved his team hundreds of hours in time spent with multiple other systems. This has allowed him to spend more time growing the agency.

"I have so many clients coming back to me for other lines of business. I've had Better Agency for only 5 days."

Denisse Finds The One System She Loves To Use

Since using Better Agency, Denisse no longer wakes up at 2am wondering if she “sent that email”. Better Agency has already done it for her.

So how does Better Agency compare to other insurance CRM platforms?

"My experience in the last 10 days has been Better Agency has surpassed all my expectations."

Michael Has An "All In One System"

Since using Better Agency, Michael Overstreet has been able to reduce his systems down to just one system.

"I can say without a doubt, it has increased our ability to accomplish tasks. For any small to large agencies, this is a no brainer."

"Better Agency Is An Agency Problem Solver"

Jeromy Huerta has been able to move all of his agency operations into just one system. He isn’t a “tech” person, so he enjoys how easy Better Agency is to use

"We've doubled our cross-sell activity and saved 20 hours of work a week. It's working my friends!"

Better Agency Helps Automate The Entire Customer Lifecycle

Since using Better Agency, J.C Wogomon has been able to communicate with customers automatically throughout the entire customer lifecycle.

"The system is substantially more user friendly than others I have used or checked out. We have our sales team using the pipelines and our CSR's are working the Service Center. It's been a game-changer for my agency."

Caleb Cut His Software Down To Just One Program

Caleb has reduced his agency tech stack down to just one program – Better Agency. His favorite part is the Customer Service Center.

"Better Agency truly understands the needs of insurance agencies."

Over 1000 Independent Agents Are Seeing A Positive ROI With Better Agency.

(We're Sure You Will Too!)

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