As a car salesman, you work hard to highlight the car’s amazing features, such as the high-quality stereo or the amazing safety features that the customer can see. However, selling insurance is different. The customer is unable to see or touch what you are selling. In reality, what you are selling is promises and trust, and you must work with the customer to ensure they get the “product” they really need and can afford. This can be challenging for new insurance agents, as well as seasoned professionals. These insurance agent tips can help you boost your commissions and help boost your insurance agent skills.
Personal qualities of a good insurance agent
While every person is unique and what makes someone a good agent will not always be the same for someone else, all good insurance agents share some of the following core skills and knowledge that help make them successful.
People skills
A good insurance agent understands people and can truly connect and put the client’s needs first. They know when to listen and listen carefully to what the client wants, making it easier for them to earn the trust of their clients. Because they put the client first, they are not focused on commission and willing to put a client into a lower commission product because it truly matches their needs.
In addition, they know the importance of quality customer service and strive to meet their client’s expectations. They return phone calls and inquiries in a timely manner and do what they say they will, making the client feel that they actually care about them.
Personality and reliance
A good insurance agent is persistent and honest, with a high energy level. Because you are selling something that can’t be seen, it is important to always seem excited and eager about a product, no matter how stressful your day may be. In addition, the insurance industry is full of client rejection, but you must be persistent and understand that every “no” gets you closer to a client that will purchase your policies. In the insurance industry, you learn quickly that deception doesn’t sell policies and, in a worst-case scenario, can land you in trouble. Client’s respect your honesty and, in the end, that honesty leads to more sales, referrals, and repeat business.
Product knowledge
In order to be a successful insurance agent, it is important to have a wealth of product knowledge both to offer to your clients and to support your business. Being able to offer and explain a comprehensive selection of insurance products is essential to help your clients, but it is also beneficial to understand the tax and legal aspects of the policies and explain that to your clients.
For independent agents, it is also important to understand products that help your business, such an insurance CRM program that can help automate your agency, leaving you time to focus on your customers and business growth.

Sales tips that help increase insurance sales
Whether you are new to insurance sales, looking for tips to help train new agents, or simply looking for a little refresher, these sales tips can help boost your sales and expand your business, helping you reach your sales goals.
Build trust and confidence
In the world of insurance, what you are selling is trust, so it is important that you work to build trust with your clients and potential clients. Understanding your products well will help convey confidence, making your clients feel better about what you are offering. Being willing to listen to their needs and working to fulfill their needs lets them see that their needs are important to you. This will make them feel more comfortable purchasing from you.
Dress professionally
When you are working to build trust and show confidence to potential clients, how you dress really matters. While business casual may be okay for office days, meeting with clients demands a professional appearance that conveys success and professionalism.
Avoid using slang
In a world of quick text messages and online chats, vocabulary has drastically changed, with many people turning to slang words and terms. While this is okay when talking with friends or in a non-professional setting, you want to avoid slang when talking or emailing clients. All correspondence and conversation should be professional to help maintain the trust you are working to build with your clients.
Try to connect with potential customers
Connecting with potential clients is the best way to gain trust. While you may think you have nothing in common with a potential client, it is important to try and find something you can connect to with them, be it a love for sports, living in the same area, or something else. Ask questions about them and their life. Not only will this allow you to connect, but it will also help you determine which policies will work best for their needs. And don’t be afraid to stop and really listen. While you are eager to share your knowledge, really listening to your clients’ needs and making that connection can make all the difference in policy purchases and referrals.
Evaluate how you talk to customers
To get a good idea of what improvements you can make when talking with clients, consider actually listening and watching how you currently talk to them. To do this, record yourself leaving a message for a client. Do you sound professional and confident? Ask a friend to play a client and make a video of you talking to them about a new insurance policy. Watch the video after and see what you might be doing that turns away clients or distract from your main presentation. This allows you to really see yourself and your presentation from the customer’s perspective.
Demonstrate industry knowledge
A new client will appreciate seeing solid evidence of your industry knowledge conveyed to them in a way they can understand. Try and stay away from specific industry-specific jargon that they do not understand. While you might, this may turn potential clients away as they feel confused and as if you are hiding something. Stick with terminology that is nonspecific to insurance industry insiders.
Reference combined experience
If you are new to the world of insurance sales, there is no reason to let your experience keep you from selling policies. Feel free to reference the experience of your agency team to clients that seem hesitant with your lack of experience. For example, let them know that while you may be new, you bring with you the experience of those in your office. If they still seem hesitant, you can assure them that all known policies are double-checked by a senior member of your team, for instance.
A successful insurance agent takes advantage of available resources
While many of the key attributes of successful insurance agents are character-based, good agents take advantage of all possible resources and ways to improve their sales techniques and business management. For example, finding ways to run your agency more efficiently means you have more time to put your clients and potential clients first, resulting in more sales and commissions. Products like insurance-based CRM software can help you automate your entire agency, including everything from marketing campaigns to renewal reminders, letting you focus directly on your clients on a much more personal level.
For more information about our insurance CRM software and how it can make a difference for your business, contact Better Agency today.